The Luminaire show was a blast, always a pleasure to play there especially on Mr Andy Ingles birthday. The proprietor himself looked more than embarrassed when we wished him a happy birthday from the stage. Luckily for him we didn't play the song. We tried out a few previously unplayed live album tracks and they seemed to go down well. Last night brakes continued their assault of the london live music circuit by doing 2, yes 2 gigs in one night. We soundchecked at the borderline where we would be topping a bill also including the hours and the mescalitas as part of a new rough trade club night. Unfortunately we had to miss out on seeing both acts as we had to dash northwards for a 20 minute set at the islington accademy as part of the festival awards show. We bigged up truck and end of the road and played pretty well, the audience was a little subdued but i think we left an impression. After that we hotfooted it back to charing cross road and re-grouped backstage at the borderline. The Hours were still on and seemed to be having a good show, lots of people there to see them. We took the stage at about 9:30 and had a good show, sweaty, loud and at times painful. Did plenty of tracks off the new album which are all starting to sound good live. On the way home tom had a slash in a bush in brixton and disturbed a couple of canoodling fellas who fled shamefully into the night. This weekend we will be making preparations for our video shoot for 'hold me in the river' which we'll be directing and shooting ourselves. Its going to be a brakes classic.
Backstage at Trash having a cintilating conversation
brakes bus shot
On thursday we left brighton quite late and headed up to east london for a show at adventures in the beetroot fields at uber club, fabric. We were all feeling a bit tired out as we'd just spent the last 3 days shooting our video for hold me in the river. Its going to look pretty diy but we had loads of fun making it and i think that'll come across. It was certainly more fun than having to stand around for hours occasionally pretending to play your guitars whilst film types discuss lighting. Anyway... got to fabric and it was writhing with young trendy types. I could have sworn some of them were 14/15 but Eamon later reminded me that as you get older 18 year olds start to look younger and younger, how depressing. We took the stage about 11:30 and played pretty good. Tom and Eamon broke 3 strings between them which slightly slowed down proceedings (bloody guitarists) but the audience didn't seem to mind. Disco Party went down the best as usual but generally people were in quite a dancey mood which was nice. We left the venue about an hour later and headed back south. I got dropped off at gatwick so i could catch my 06:35 flight back to Glasgow, trust me it was a lot cheaper that way. Id never slept in an airport before, I imagined id just find a comfy bench and snooze off the time i had before my flight but to my astonishment every seat in that terminal was occupied. I tried to read but my eyes kept crossing so i resorted to lurking by a large seating area until someones flight came up and claiming their patch as my own. I got about an hours kip until i had to go check in. Good to be home if its only for 6 days until our next gig. Today me and the mrs donated some blood. Its my 3rd time since Brakes did our collective donation before 'give blood' came out. Its definately something more people should do, it doesn't hurt, its relatively quick and you get a free glass of orange squash and a tuc biccie afterwards.
Salutations Brakes Posseeeeeeeeeee!
Im sitting in the dressing room of the luminaire in kilburn awaiting stage time for what will be our first gig in a wee while. Tom and Alex have been on the road with the ESP and it sounds like they had a grand old time. October tends to be quite a debauched month for the Beatty family, what with my mothers birthday, my brothers' birthday and mine (funnily enough we were born on the same day 3 years apart) and to top it all off the same said brother got married only this weekend just gone. All the band were present at the reception and a good time was had by all. Congratulations Rich and Kirst!!! Needless to say im feeling a little tender and we haven't even started touring yet. In the meantime we've been putting the finishing touches to artwork and discussing new t-shirt designs. The new ones look pretty fresh and there's more of a variety this time so look out all you memorabilia nuts. Eamon and i did an interview with phil from the stool pigeon last week. He bought us a good few pints of ale to whet our tongues and we had a decent chat about pretty much everything. There should be a two page piece in next months article. Also did a 'brighton walk and talk' for music week where we took a journalist and a photographer around a few places in town. I was a bit useless when it got to talking about 'the brighton scene' seeing as i live in glasgow but it was still kinda fun. Plenty gigs coming up and we're doing a video soon!
Take care of yourselves... and each other