Friday 2 May 2008

Dear Brakes Gang...

Eamon played some shows in May and here's his latest Blog...

Dear Brakes Gang, Marc & I have been going through a bunch of home demos on my mac book thing, and picked out quite a few to continue working on. I'm going to polish them up, then all of us are going to get together sometime in May/June to record them as a band. First of all, though, I'm going to visit some select cities and try these new songs out live, to see how they go down. I'll have Little Lost David (Myspace) as support, which I am very pleased about, he sounds like he'll be massive.

This one-man-and-a-guitar touring thing is pretty lonely though, and I usually end up saying 'I'm never touring without Tom, Marc and Alex again.' But I have to try out these songs, so please come along and make me feel like it's worthwhile. There will be more Brakes tunes up at Myspace soon, I promise.

Good Times, Eamon

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